Sunday, June 19, 2011

Literalist Religion

To believe that a large man lives up in the sky somewhere is infantile at best yet we see millions upon millions who believe in this fairy tale. Be it God, Allah, Great Spirit in the Sky or whatever one calls it we in reality are talking about an impersonal force. The life giving particles and elements of the universe have created life on earth. We all live and die just as stars, galaxies, and universes is a never ending cycle...or as Joseph Campbell put it..."an ever burning sacrifice." For humanity to continue to fight wars and have actual hatred for one another due to the fantasy world of literal religion is sheer madness. The true spiritual message or connotation from religion is that one must find their higher power within....not up there or out there somewhere. As the Hindus say one must be a God to worship a God. We are all one and come from the same source. It is time for a new enlightenment to take place where all of humanity realizes that the entire earth and all of its inhabitants are sacred. Peace, love, and light to all......Master Tzu Jan Rowshan

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